Dílna Mikulov - Art symposium


22nd MIKULOV ART SYMPOZIUM “dílna“ 2015
Opening: July 11, 2015
Closing: August 8, 2015
Exhibition: from August 8 to September 30, 2015


curator: Oldřich Tichý

MEMBERS of 22nd MAS “dílna“ 2015


Oldřich TICHÝ, painter (*1959)

His path to a personal manner of expression is, in a way, a path of return before schooling, back to primary experiences, first visions. Oldřich Tichý’s work makes us urgently aware this is not a mere depiction of objects. Rather, through the speech of the most ordinary and perhaps discarded objects, it points to the world as the bearer of mysteries, or rather, that the world and life rest on mystery. Tichý’s paintings created during continuous re-exploration of objects and space of our presence speak of the need to find a place – home.

1980–1986 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague;
He lives and works in Dojetřice-Sázava nad Sázavou.


Mikoláš AXMANN, painter, graphic artist (*1955)

He has been focusing on lithography since the ground-breaking era of the 1980s when he completed his academic studies. His graphic works does not occur on the black and white scale but also relies on the author’s distinctive coloristic feeling. Axmann achieves an immense intensity of expression, particularly in large formats, whether they are prints, pastels or oil paintings. He has also employed a very wide range of techniques on a number of books of inimitable joyfulness and a great poetic power.

1978–1983 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague;
1992–1997 lecturer at Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague;
- since 1997 assistant professor at Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art of the University of West Bohemia.
In 2009, he received the Vladimír Boudník award.
He lives and works in Prague.

Martin ČADA, painter (*1978)

At Prague’s Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Martin Čada, the youngest participating artist of the 22nd edition of the “dílna, met two professors of contradictory tunes and different generational starting bases. These contradictory creative positions have played a part in formation of Čada’s visual expression which demonstrates strong emotiveness, certain irritation and distinct expressivity of the artist’s gesture, tamed by the realization of the necessity to seek the firm order of things that would help grasp the hurried run of life and the incomprehensibility of the world. Čada thus achieves a distinctive expression full of dynamics and tension.

1999–2005 Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague;
He lives and works in Zlín.

Luděk FILIPSKÝ, painter  (*1945)

Looking at his paintings, one recalls a recent statement by a Czech art historian and gallerist, who argued painting has remained the queen of art. Filipský’s work has evolved into pure painting with the central motif of light, space and time. The impulse for his art is not necessarily the tangible world but rather the miracle and the mystery of light as energy which permits us to see the universum and himself in it, as energy which establishes space being its own measure and which took part in the creation of time, both of the universe and of mankind.

1963–1969 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague;
1970–1972 assistant to professor Jan Smetana at Academy of Fine Arts in Prague;
He lives and works in Kutná Hora.

Vladimír FRANZ, painter (*1959)

One significant theme in his work is the ambivalence of the relation between humanity and nature, the transience of human interventions in landscape and the disappearance of their traces in the reviving power of natural energy. His visual art also touches upon social matters and phenomena. In such cases, the lyricism in his paintings is replaced by direct identification of issues and strong social engagement. His latest series of paintings focus on the theme of nature’s vitality manifesting itself in the beauty and colourful abundance of vegetation. Despite the coloristic splendour of the flowers, they conceal an edge, alerting pride of man to the fact he is not the unquestionable ruler over things of the world.

1978–1982 Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague;
- studied painting privately with professors Karel Souček and Andrej Bělocvětov, art history with professors Jaromír Homolka and Jaromír Kincl, composition with Miroslav Reichl and Vladimír Sommer;
- since 1991 has taught at DAMU theatre school in Prague;
- lectures at FAMU film school in Prague and FaVU VUT art school in Brno, assistant professor between 1998 and 2004 when named professor;
2012–2013 ran for the president of the Czech Republic;
- since 2014 advisor to Minster of Culture;
- his musical work is very extensive; six-time laureate of Alfréd Radok prize, recipient of many other  awards;
He lives and works in Prague and Dožice.

Peter ŽUPNÍK, photographer (*1961)

Often included in a group of photographers known as the “Slovak New Wave”. Besides documentary-oriented photography, he pursues free photography. His interest focuses on mainly inconspicuous, ordinary objects and placed of everyday life, seen however through the prism of a specific poetics which turns everything seen into mysterious messages. He does not consider the photographic shot itself to be the final shape of the work, but rather a promising start. Župník then often intervenes with various manipulations and painting incursions.

1981–1988 FAMU film and TV school in Prague;
- former member of art collective Most (Bridge) and Prague House of Photography association;
- since 1995 has lived and worked in Paris.

Technical assistant

František ZELINKA (*1991)

His bachelor thesis was chosen as one of three best at the Multimedia Communications Faculty of Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín, and was published in the Přestupná konečná (Transfer Terminus) catalogue. His design of a paper bowtie Bow-Tie for the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design was featured at Salone del Mobile 2015 in Milan. He currently explores furniture as object, emphasizing his distinctive approach that differs from the current global retro-minimalist style. He both paints and draws in his free work.

2011–2014 Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín, curse of spatial design;
- since 2014, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, furniture and interior design studio;
- intern at Nanovo design studio;
He lives and works in Mikulov and in Prague.


PhDr. Ivan NEUMANN, (*1945)

1963–1968 Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague, course of art history;
1972 – PhD in art history and theory at Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague;
1968–1977 curator of 20th century Czech art collections at AJG in Hluboká n. Vlt. Participated in number of exhibitions and was in charge of acquisitions. Curator at Moder Art Collection of National Gallery in Prague, curated number of exhibitions at home and abroad, participated in preparations of acquisitions. Participated in unofficial activities of Czech art scene in the 1970s and 80s. At Czech Museum of Fine Arts in Prague, worked as curator at the Black Madonna House and as curator of sculpture collection. Curated many exhibitions. Since 2000 director of Czech Museum of Fine Arts in Prague, as such, oversaw between 2004 and 2009 the reconstruction of programming of the museum’s Arts Centre in the renovated Jesuit College in Kutná Hora. Lives in Prague.



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Spolufinancováno Jihomoravským krajem


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Mikulovské Rudolfinum



