Jaroslav Róna
born: 27. 4. 1957
graduate: VŠUP Prague
address: Izraelská 1, 130 00 Prague 3
e-mail: jaroslav@jaroslav-rona.cz
Author also in 1995, 1996 and 1997.
Dear Mikulov friends,
It is my well-founded suspition that this is the last time I am here at the Symposium, I would like to use the opportunity to thank you for many things. First I’d like to thank you for putting up with us, the Pragocentrists, at all. For being so nice and hospitable to us. For allowing us to create in your beautiful town and adorn it with our work. I would also like to thank you that despite your repeated efforts to drink us to death during all this and smother us with food as part of your hospitality, you do not reach your limits and therefore, let us survive. You can of course object that it is up to us, that we can say no, but be honest – can we say no to the wines grown wih so much love, great spirists, and delicious sausages and smoked meat? You know that we can’t. Besides, every animal struggles for survival in the natural selection and the weak surrenders in the great God’s recyclation known as the Nature and even the World. I would therefore like to thank you, my dear citizens of Mikulov, for the opportunity to get to know the world in its REALITY where good and evil are two sides of the same coin which everybody finally gives to the last ferryman called Charon.
Jaroslav Róna
List of artists participating in MAS "dílna" in 1994–2010