Dílna Mikulov - Art symposium
Home > Viktor Pivovarov

Viktor Pivovarov

born: 14. 1. 1937 in Moscow Russia
graduate: Moskevská uměckoprůmyslová škola M. I. Kalinina
address: Jaromírova 34, 128 00 Prague 2
atelier: Úhlavská 14, 140 00 Prague 4

A memory of Mikulov

I knew, I suspected that there are place where time stopped. Or didn’t stop, to be precise, because nothing exists without motion, but where times moves so slowly it appears it did stop. Long, long time ago, in the last century, in my youth when I was beginning to live, I got a book in my hands with photos of Czech towns: squares, old monuments, fountains, churches... and I wished to be able to walk around this country at least a little, travel from one town to anther, from one chateau and monastery to the next. Back then I of course didn’t know that the fate would bring me to this country and that my dream would come true in a special way. No, I didn’t walk the country but when I moved to Bohemia, I visited many remarkable places. But these visits were always of a sufficiently superficial and tourist nature. I never experienced, however shortly, life in a small town. A month in Mikulov – that is certainly not long – but I still managed to touch down, to experience a different dimension of time. In this little town, it seems to me, I discovered a special spot where time barely moves. It is located in Husova Street, in the old Jewish ghetto between the Horned Crocodile and the crossroads with the sweets shop. When you are standing with your back towards the Crocodile, looking at the old house with its spire moved a little into the street and crooked houses going up the hill, this is the place that totally enchanted me. I could stand here for hours. I later discovered an old photograph, probably from the end of the 19th century, taken exactly from this spot. There are several Jews in he photo – not figures but rather shadows. The shadows are gone but time has stopped in this place and has become a memory.

Viktor Pivovarov
From Russian trabslated by Milena Slavická

Translator‘s note

I had just arrived from Prague I walked around the town a bit and descended, yes, just down the little lane with the spire, to the timeless spot. Then, suddenly, my husband Viktor was standing in the Bermuda Triangle, and he had clouds instead of his head, blue and white clouds on which our grandmother Sofia Borisovna and Ant Lisa were sitting. They came here from the little town of Vasilkov in Ukraine. I could see again them in a while, at the chateau in Viktor’s painting. They were arguing, as always, and between them sat Viktor Pivovarov himself, undisturbed, looking out of the window at the Holly Hill, at a church so picturesque, so heavenly, so Moravian-Tuscanian that there was no doubt that I had indeed come to Mikulov. But another spell was waiting for me. One floor up, Perchta of Rožnberk was coming out, flowing out of the door of Erika Bornová’s studio, as if she wanted to stroll through the rooms she is so familiar with. As if she wanted to float around the chateau, through the park and the town, dance in the whirlpool of time that spins around its axis – right here, around the Mikulov sweets shop, around the axis coming through the centre of the triangle marked by the chateau, the Holy Hill and the Goat Peak. Right next to Erika Bornová’s studio, another surprise took place.
A little girl set out on a journey: she runs through a meadow, catching her breath, she flies, ä little happy and a little scared by the sudden freedom, she runs towards a beautiful tall lady. But she is on in the painting but paints the picture, behold: Ivanka Lomová meets her childhood. Oh, Mikulov! I was there as well, ate and drank, and recounted what I sas.

P.S . These miracles, the works I am talking about, were created by the participants of the Mikulov Art Symposium 2002. They are: Portrait of a Young Artist by Viktor Pivovarov, Perchta – the White Lady by Erika Bornová, and Irenka III by Ivana Lomová, They were in fact exhibited at the chateau.


Figura u okna
Figura u okna
olej a akryl na plátně, 120 x 95 cm, 2007

List of artists participating in MAS "dílna" in 1994–2010

Adam Štech , Adéla Strnadová , Aleš Brázdil , Alexander Tinei , Barbora Kurtinová , David Krňanský , Denisa Krausová , Emőke Vargová , Eugeniusz Józefowski , Eva Turnová , Filip Dvořák , František Skála , Hana Puchová , Jakub Lipavský , Jakub Tomáš , Jaroslav Beneš , Jaroslav Róna , Jiří Černický , Jiří Kačer , Julie Béna , Julius Reichel , Klára Čermáková , Klára Štefanovičová , Kurt Gebauer , Laco Teren , Libor Lípa Marie Tomanová (2020 , 2021) , Michael Jan Bublík , Michaela Černická , Mirek Zahálka , Natálie Colledani , Ondřej Oliva , Petr Nikl , Roel Van Der Linden , Roman Výborný , Sofie Švejdová , Stefan Milkov , Svatopluk Klimeš , Tomáš Tichý , Vitaly Pushitsky , Vojtěch Horálek , Zdena Kolečková , Zdeněk Lhotský , Peter Angermann , Mathias Antlfinger / Ute Hörner Nikos Armutidis (1994 , 1999 , 2003) , Mikoláš Axmann , Jan Bačkovský , Anna Balážová , Alena Beldová , Karl – Heinz Bethmann , Václav Bláha , David Böhm , Erika Bornová , Machiel Botman , Tereza Brichtová , Veronika Bromová , Milan Cais Tomáš Císařovský (2000 , 2001 , 2003) , Martin Čada , Ondřej Čech , Rostislav Čuřík Jiří David (2007 , 2008 , 2013) Stanislav Diviš (1998 , 2014) , Tea Dohnalová Milena Dopitová (2010 , 2013 , 2009) , Martin Dostál , Jana Doubková Eva Eisler (2005 , 2006 , 2013) , Luděk Filipský , Jiří Franta , Vladimír Franz , Monika Fryčová , Michal Gabriel , Martin Gerboc , Zdeněk Halla , David Hanvald , Zbyněk Havlín , Duncan Higgins , František Hodonský , Vladimír Houdek , Milan Houser , Dalibor Chatrný , Jeff Chiplis , Matyáš Chochola Petr Jareš (1996 , 1997 , 1998 , 2003) , Eva Jirička , Irena Jůzová , Michal Kalhous , Kristýna Kašparová , Vladimíra Klumparová , Richard Kočí , Ondřej Kohout , Igor Korpaczewski , Inge Kosková , Eva Koťátková , Nina Kotel , Alena Kotzmannová , Jiří Kovanda , Vojtěch Kovářík , František Kowolowski , Radovan Král , Vendula Pucharová Kramářová , Antonín Kratochvíl Antonín Kratochvíl (2006 , 2013) Milan Kunc (2000 , 2012) , Tomáš Lahoda , Otis Laubert Zdeněk Lhotský (1994 , 1995) Libor Lípa (1994 , 2000 , 2003 , 2013 , 2011) Ivana Lomová (2001 , 2002 , 2003) , Barbora Lungová , Petr Lysáček , Christian Macketanz , Martin Mainer , Werner Mally , Břetislav Malý , Tomáš Medek , Johana Merta , Vladimír Merta , Svätopluk Mikyta Stefan Milkov (1994 , 1995 , 1996 , 1997 , 2003) , David Možný , Aleš Najbrt , Klára Nejezchlebová , Jaromíra Němcová , Jakub Nepraš Petr Nikl (2001 , 2003) , Libor Novotný Vít Novotný (1997 , 2003) Pavel Opočenský (1999 , 2018) , Petra Pavlicová , Jiří Pikous , Tereza Brichtová Pirščová , Petr Písařík , Jan Pištěk , Viktor Pivovarov , Tomáš Plachký , Otto Placht , Aldin Popaja , Tomáš Prokop , Viktorie Prokopová Martina Riedlbauchová (1996 , 1997 , 1999 , 2003) , Veronika Richterová , Ulric Roldanus Jaroslav Róna (1995 , 1996 , 1997 , 2003) , Tomáš Ruller , Kamila Rýparová , Vladimir Salnikov , František Skála , Vladimír Skrepl , Roman Sliwka , Daniela Sneppová Jiří Sobotka (1999 , 2005 , 2013) , Společné dílo kurátorů 2004 – 2013 Tono Stano (1998 , 2018) , Jan Stolín Václav Stratil (2004 , 2011) , Antonín Střížek , Corine Stübi Čestmír Suška (1996 , 1997 , 2003) , Evžen Šimera , Jaromír Šimkůj , Michal Šmeral , Vladimír Špaček , Jakub Špaňhel , Karel Štědrý , Jindřich Štreit , Laco Teren Oldřich Tichý (2014 , 2015) , Margita Titlová Ylovsky , Michaela Klimanová Trizuljaková , Účastníci 10. ročníku MVS , Katarína Hládeková , Woody Vasulka , Tereza Velíková , Aleš Veselý Petr Veselý (2014 , 2016) Kateřina Vincourová (2005 , 2017) , Eva Vones , Jiří Votruba Michaela Vrbková (2010 , 2012) Margita Titlová Ylovsky (1999 , 2004) , František Zelinka Petr Zubek (2007 , 2013 , 2009) , Peter Župník

Realized as Part of the Project
Mikulov – a Town of Art.
This Project is Co-funded by the European Union and the South-Moravian Region.