Petr Zubek
born: 17. 2. 1967, Frýdek Místek; lives and works in Düsseldorf (DE)
graduate: Academy of Fine Arts, Prague; Kunsthochschulle für Medien, Cologne (DE)
address: Goethestr. 11, 402 37 Düsseldorf (DE)
tel.: +49 211 995 433 42, +49 (0) 152 216 091 05
Sea for Mikulov
Audio installation 2009
Standing on the terrace of the Dietrichstein crypt, I turned on the sound of the sea in the Mikulov town square, using it to change the character and the reality of the site and space. I wanted to create the illusion that the sea is indeed to be found just behind the square; on the other hand, it was a symbolic deed to present this beautiful town with the only thing it does not have.
(The sound of the sea was recorded exclusively for this project in Audresselles, on the French Atlantic coast, and will remain in the collection of the town.)
At the same time I created a photomontage – the postcard “Greetings from Mikulov” which has the sea located on the outskirts of the town.
Moře pro Mikulov
Pohlednice vydaná ke stejnojmenné zvukové instalaci vytvořené v rámci 16. ročníku Mikulovského výtvarného sympozia "dílna" '09.
Mikulov Art Symposium 2009
8th–15th of August 2009
- Petr Zubek - curator
- Mathias Antlfinger / Ute Hörner
- Milena Dopitová
- Jakub Nepraš
- Corine Stübi
- Monika Fryčová - guest MAS
- Eva Jirička - guest MAS
- David Možný - host MVS