Tereza Brichtová Pirščová
born: 12. 5. 1978
graduate: SŠUŘ Brno, VŠUP Prague
address: Husova 6, 692 01 Mikulov
e-mail: pirsc@seznam.cz
Dear Libore!
Mikulov is a little path that is no nice to drive along! Or! Mikulov, for me, is place everyhting revolves around! The Crodocodile has rounds, and at Simon’s people dance as they did on the Holly Hill (Tanzberg). Around which the whole of Mikulov dances around. Mikuloves turns its face to the chateau where they once danced, too. And now, at last, they dance again thanks to a few people (THANKS). And when it’s all over, it makes your head spin. Thank you, Libor.
Tereza Pirščová Brichtová
Mikulov Art Symposium 2000
July 22th - Agust 26th, 2000
- Tomáš Císařovský
- Zdeněk Halla
- Milan Kunc
- Libor Lípa - Curator
- Michaela Klimanová Trizuljaková - Special Guest of the RMM
- Ondřej Kohout - Special Guest of the Organizers
- Tereza Brichtová Pirščová - student