Veronika Bromová
born: 12. 8. 1966 in Prague
graduate: Vysoká škola uměckoprůmyslová in Prague, prof. Jiří Šalamoun
address: Řipská 21, 130 00 Prague 3
Passing of time, changing of light and darkness, observing meteorological effects, moods of the nature, wine in blood, contemplation, acceptance, feeling connected, waves of emotion... Warmth of the day and night being replaced by the cold announcing that autumn is near, rain moistening the fields burning with drought, sea in the distance.
From the height of the cliff, from the height of the castle, staring into the eye that can see... Sailors.
Coffee shop being the firm spot, with the rudder in it and the captain and the merry crew singing a jolly song.
Mikulov embracing and touching the heart you cannot but accept and pay back with the same emotion.
Overwhelmed I kneel down; I lie down and bow... I craw…
Dear friends
Veronika Bromová
Mikulov Art Symposium 2006
July 15th - Agust 12th, 2012