Klára Nejezchlebová
born: 4. 6. 1980 in Brno; lives and works in Prague and Brno (CZ)
graduate: Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová in Prague
2006 six-month scholarship at Lapin Yliopisto, Finland
address: Osiková 12, 637 00 Brno, Česká republika
e-mail: klanej@volny.cz
Time in Mikulov is like a process.
The month I spent at the Mikulov Symposium was an intensive experience for me. I will not forget meeting many people and their opinions. The Symposium is a part of the Mikulov summer and I hope it copes well with those waves of tourists. I am glad that the Symposium has been promised a permanent area. It will perhaps become more accessible and open “outside the season” as well. Thank you
Klára Nejezchlebová
Mikulov Art Symposium 2007
July 21th - Agust 18th, 2007