Martina Riedlbauchová
born: 14. 4. 1963
graduate: VŠUP Prague
address: U Akademie 13, 170 00 Prague 7
Author also in 1996, 1999 and 2003.
Once there was a hill, and a chateau on top of it,
inside the chateau there were colours, lines, circles,
drops and one dot.
Where has the dot gone?
It’s been licked by a tongue.
Where have the drops gone?
They have run down a hole.
Where have the circles gone?
They have rolled down the hill.
Where have the lines gone?
They have been erased by touches.
Where have the colours gone?
They have hidden in hearts.
Where has the chateau gone?
It is floating in the air.
Where has the hill gone?
It has been turned into a grave.
Prague, October 7, 1997
Mikulovské výtvarné sypozium 1997
July 18th - Agust 23th, 1997
- Michal Gabriel
- Petr Jareš
- Jaroslav Róna
- František Skála
- Čestmír Suška - Curator
- Eva Vones
- Stefan Milkov - Special Guest
- Martina Riedlbauchová - Special Guest
- Vít Novotný - student