Vladimíra Klumparová
born: 18. 3. 1954 in Rychnov nad Kněžou, lives and works in Prague and Mexico
graduate: Vysoká škola uměckoprmyslová in Prague, prof. Stanislav Libenský
address: Čechova 21, 170 Prague 7
e-mail: tarerio@yahoo.com
That wonderful oval studio in the castle with an open view of the landscape high above the town gave me the feeling of unbelievable space and lightness, even some dizzying joy at times. At the beginning I felt the month has no end, just like when I was a school kid and it was the first day of summer holidays.
The initial heat and burning Mikulov, slow, lazy beginning. The haven in the oval vaults of the castle and the wine cellars... I suspect even Mr. Kapičák's coffee shop must have oval vaults under which it felt so good whenever we would have a shot with Veronika to fill me with energy for those oval plaster shapes that I would sand again and again stronger and stronger until they were smoother than the walls of the castle.
Suddenly there was less time and then I closed the gate behind me for the last time feeling that something unique was over.
Vladimíra Klumparová
List of artists participating in MAS "dílna" in 1994–2010